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Contour, Roughness & Form

High-accuracy contour, roughness and form measurement.

With sub-micron and nanometer accuracies, these systems provide automated and precise measurement of surfaces with touch probes. Designed for shop floor use, some of these mobile systems include handheld surface finish instruments.

Compliant form and roughness measurement for form and position tolerances of your workpieces – even in tough industrial environments.

State of the art surface roughness and contour systems.

Measuring surface roughness is vital when manufacturing orthopaedic implants – texture ensures that the implant successfully attaches to the bone. 3 in 1 sensor head measures textures and structures across varying surface scalesOptimised for flexibility and is suitable for both research and development (R&D) and quality control (QC) in laboratories.

High-resolution handheld 3D topography measurement system, assessing surface and profile roughness

Find out how Sempre can solve your measuring challenge.

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