R-SCAN portable articulated measuring arms, complete with high-performance laser scanning head.
Laser Scanning
The R-SCAN BLUE Laser Line Probe, with optically-superior blue laser technology, is based on R-EVO 7 axes arm.
Delivers excellent scanning results for any kind of material, with high resolution enabling it to capture smaller details in an object.
The blue laser provides a fast and accurate solution for 3D Inspection or Reverse-Engineering.
Available for all R-EVO7 arms series.
UKAS Verification Now Available
UKAS ISO10360-12:2016 Verification of portable measuring armsÂ
Range of measurement | Max Frequency | Max Speed |
Up to 9m range and up to 7 axes | 400Hz.
| 384,000 pts/sec.
Product Variants
The RPS Metrology Evo Range:
3D CAD Software: Polyworks
RPS Metrology arms are interfaced with the most popular software for 3D Inspection and Reverse Engineering, like Verisurf®, InnovMetric, PolyWorks®, 3D Systems Geomagic®..
Let us solve your measuring challenges.